About Us

Shamsunnessa Girls' School is a school and college for girls aged 6 to 18, based in Kadipur, Sylhet. The school was established by the family of Shamsunnessa, a woman who supported the community and aided the poor throughout the entirety of her 74 years. The school was funded with money from her youngest son, Wazid Hassan Shelim (chairman) to provide education for the women of tomorrow. The school opened in 2012 in a small, tin shed and has plans for developing onto a more permanent and substantial building on the family land.

Our Aims


Broaden Horizons

To offer a bridging programme with schools in the UK for the girls to take their GCSEs and A Levels, allowing the pupils to experience a broad curriculum in the vibrant city of London and to explore and embrace a wide range of opportunities.

Progress and Prosper

To provide an environment where all members of the school community can flourish and develop into resilient and independent individuals with respect for others and the environment. For girls to strive above and beyond what is expected of them and nurture their own vision for success.

Change the World

To have a strong social conscience and the desire to serve our local and wider community by tackling educational, gender and financial disadvantages present in the world today.

More information

Founder and Chairman

Staff and Board of Governors

Staff and Board of Governors


The founder and chairman Wazid Hassan Shelim founded Shamsunessa Girls' School in 2012 and named it after his late mother.

Staff and Board of Governors

Staff and Board of Governors

Staff and Board of Governors


Shamsunessa boasts a faculty of 16 interested and passionate teachers who are excited and emboldened to teach the women of tomorrow.


Staff and Board of Governors



We welcome girls to join us at any age between 6 to 18. Tuition is free for all.





SSC results: 

85% pass rate in 2015   90% pass rate in 2016

HSC results: 

90% pass rate in 2015   100% pass rate in 2016









Girls must be in full uniform at all times. Girls attending school are required to wear a blue and purple salwar kameez. Girls in the college must wear a blue and white salwar kameez.

Neepa and Neela's story


This is Neepa and Neela

Neepa and Neela live with their single mother

This is where Neepa and Neela live

Neepa and Neela have known little beyond a life of grinding poverty and hardship. They grew up in a small house made of mud, bamboo sticks and corrugated tin in a rural village.  Their father worked tirelessly as a labourer but sadly passed away six years ago.

With no male breadwinner or other sources of income, their mother was forced go out and find work as a housemaid, cooking and cleaning in nearby villages. She would usually take her girls with her to help her with the chores. The girls would usually spend long hours fetching water, washing clothes and sweeping the floor.  


This is where Neepa and Neela live

Neepa and Neela live with their single mother

This is where Neepa and Neela live

The two sisters, aged fifteen and twelve, have never had the opportunity to have a formal education. Their nearest schoolhouse was several miles away and their parents were not able to afford the fees required for each pupil to attend.


Neepa and Neela live with their single mother

Neepa and Neela live with their single mother

Neepa and Neela live with their single mother

But now, with the opening of the Shamsunnessa Girls’ School (SGS) they are able to access a free education.

There are many, many girls like  Neepa and Neela whose life choices are limited due to poverty.  We, at SGS, want every girl to have the best chance in life and not be limited by their circumstance.  We believe that by educating girls and young women, it helps to break the cycle of poverty and the girls go on to improve their own prospects and those of their families and communities.  With your help we can keep the free school open and we can educate and inspire more girls like Neepa and Neela.

Help Our Cause

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.

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Contact Us

Shamsunnessa Girls' School and College

Kadipur, Jalalpur, Sylhet, Bangladesh

008801711911380 / 07956867420

School Hours

Saturday - Thursday

10:00am - 4:30pm